Cámara de Zaragoza
Activities GreeNS Match Program
These are the tasks which are planned to develop:
1. Identify the measures applied by the States that took part in the project (Germany, Portugal, Greece and Spain) for the development of green economy and the design of its conceptual framework.
2. Identify and compile the labor needs of the current green market in the companies located in the regions that take part in the project (Frankfurt (Oder), Matosinho, Atenas y Zaragoza).
3. Identify 15 green occupations and their respective competency profiles in these sectors: waste recycling and management, transport (including logistics), vehicle manufacturing and food and agriculture industry.
4. Identify and arrange formative and training resources, which, related to the skills detected, are being put into practice in each of the regions of the partners.
5. Identify and group the best practices detected in all the regions focused on reducing the gap between the existing skills and the real needs of the labor market. These best practices are usually related to traditional training schemes, but also to other developments: e- training, incompany training, work experiences, professional exchanges, learning in job positions…
6. Create 15 roadmaps to meet the needs of employment and training of these identified occupations, according to their skills profile, suggested by the companies.
7. Carry out a final publication in which the activities and results are summarized, as well as a diffusion report.
8. Organize a European final conference in which different point of views about the challenges and opportunities of a greener Europe are shared, and in which the results of the project are explained.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project no: 2014-1-ES01-KA202-003695.
Última actualización: 6 de marzo de 2016
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Elena Nasarre García
Área de Internacionalización
976 30 61 61 (ext. 227)